Search the Corpus


Type a search query in the box below to search the corpus.
The results will be displayed as KWIC concordance lines.

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Situational variables:


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How to search

This search interface has the following features:

  1. You can look for complete words or sequences of words:
    dollar will find all instances of the single word dollar
    the atmosphere will find all instances of the phrase the atmosphere
  2. You can use the asterisk * as a wild card:
    wh* will find all words that begin with wh, such as when, what, whole
    *ver* will find all words that contain ver, such as average, version, never
    th* w* will find sequences of two words with the first starting in th* and the second in w, such as the water, there was, things we
    you * n't finds instances with any word between you and n't, such as you do n't, you can n't
  3. Use underscores _ to search for part-of-speech tags:
    _DT will find all determiners, such as the, a, all
    _DT _NN will find determiners followed by singular nouns such as a person, this curve
    will_MD will find will tagged as a modal verb
    *ly_RB will find adverbs ending in ly, such as actually, really
    _VV* will find all words tagged for a part-of-speech label starting with VV..., such as VVP for present tense verb, like look, VVN for past participles, like called, etc.
  4. Use the at sign @ to search for lemmas:
    @HAVE will find forms of the lemma have, such as have, had, has
    @BE _VVG will find forms of the lemma be followed by lexical present participles, such as is going, 'm talking
    _NN@RE* (or @RE*_NN) will find singular nouns whose lemma starts with re... such as reconstructions, reorganisation
  5. You can use the pipe | to search for alternatives within words, pos-tags, or lemmas:
    heat|hot will find all instances of heat and hot
    _VH*|VB* retrives all forms tagged as the verbs be or have
    Note that you cannot use the pipe | across words, pos-tags and lemmas. For instance, heat_NN|hot_JJ is not a well-formed query. In contrast, the search heat|hot_NN|JJ is well-formed.
  6. You can use round paranetheses (...) to make a search term optional::
    _MD (not|n't) _V* will find all instances of a modal followed by a verb and there may optionally be negation between the two, such as can argue, 'll take as well as can n't take, may not have
    had (ER) measurable finds the word had followed by measurable with and without an intervening hesitation (like uhm, err, etc.)